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Rutini Encounter Malbec 750 ml
VARIETAL : 100% malbec
Exquisite line of wines that combines two forms of winemaking: the subtlety of the predominance of oak aging (Bordeaux) and the consistency of accentuating the fruity traces (Argentino), resulting in all the tradition of our grapes but in varietal versions.
This wine has an intense and concentrated garnet red color, with violet glints. It has floral aromas (violet) and the brio of fresh red and black fruits such as cherry and cassis. It is perceived on the palate with full-bodied tannins and rich in bitter cocoa and macerated fruit vapours. In addition, it is intense, complex and possesses an acidity that promises an average aging of five years.
Technical Information: Composition: 100% Malbec from Gualtallary, alcohol 13.6%, acidity 5.32 grams per liter, and ph 3.7. Aged for 9 months.
Malolactic fermentation 100% of the volume.
Perfect for pairing with cold meats and smoked sausages, grilled beef, roasted Creole, baked or stewed lamb, vegetable casserole, rabbit, meat pie and stuffed pasta with sauce
ORIGIN: Argentina