TRUMPETER - Malbec by Rutini 750 ml
A good multi-purpose red wine with generous cherry and plum flavors, medium body, smooth texture and firm balance. Its balance makes it an outstanding product.
Intense red color with violet hues. The nose is very fruity, with cherries, strawberries and some vanilla. In the mouth it is round, long and complex, with fruit flavors.
Exquisite line of wines produced by the Rutini Winery that contains strains of enormous quality and the contribution of distinguished oak from France and the United States, which together with the best production standards achieve a product of excellence.
Bright purplish red color. Exquisite fruity aromas such as plum and spicy aromas such as cinnamon, cardamom or black pepper. It is perceived on the palate with great body and a vivid structure that enhances the intense tannins that become velvety in the aftertaste.
Technical Information: Composition: 100 % Malbec, Alcohol 13.3 %, Acidity 5.47 grams per liter, and ph 3.72. Aged for 7 months at 50% of the blend.
Malolactic fermentation 100%.
Ideal for pairing with roasts, lamb, empanadas and river fish.
ORIGIN: Argentina